I've added one more feature to the system monitoring script dbalarm to monitor the inodes number on each mounted filesystem on the system to provide an early warning before the inodes number get exhausted.
I've published one post explaining the impact of getting inodes number exhausted:
To download the final version of dbalarm script:
To read more about dbalarm script and how it monitors the DB server:
Soon I'll update the same in the bundle tool as well.
Here is the GitHub version:
I've published one post explaining the impact of getting inodes number exhausted:
To download the final version of dbalarm script:
To read more about dbalarm script and how it monitors the DB server:
Soon I'll update the same in the bundle tool as well.
Here is the GitHub version:
im getting the below while nothing is currently running
ReplyDeletePlease make sure the following sessions are completed before running dbalarm script: [ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -v vi|grep dbalarm]
Do you get any output when running this command?
ReplyDeleteps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -v vi|grep dbalarm
ReplyDeleteThen please hash the following lines in the script from line 87 to 97:
ReplyDelete# Check if there is another session of dbalarm is running: [Avoid performance impact]
DBALARMCNT=`ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -v vi|grep dbalarm|wc -l`
if [ ${DBALARMCNT} -gt 2 ]
echo -e "\033[32;5mdbalarm.sh script is currently running by another session.\033[0m"
echo ""
echo "Please make sure the following sessions are completed before running dbalarm script: [ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -v vi|grep dbalarm]"
ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep -v vi|grep dbalarm.sh
echo "Script Terminated !"