Script Description:
This Linux shell script runs from the PRIMARY DB server to monitor and checks the lag/synchronization status between Primary and Standby Oracle DBs and reports the lag [if happened] to the user.
Download the script:
How to use the script:
This Linux shell script runs from the PRIMARY DB server to monitor and checks the lag/synchronization status between Primary and Standby Oracle DBs and reports the lag [if happened] to the user.
Download the script:
How to use the script:
First: On the Primary DB: Create a DBA user to be used inside the script to check the dataguard status:
e.g. This is just n example, you can create the user with a proper name and password.
SQL> create user DBA_USER identified by "ABC123" profile;
SQL> grant dba to DBA_USER;
Second: Unfortunately, this script will not be able to know what is the primary, standby database names itself; so you must manually modify the variables' values in orange color in the Variables section to match your environment: [Those variables are at the begging of the script]
SQL> grant dba to DBA_USER;
Second: Unfortunately, this script will not be able to know what is the primary, standby database names itself; so you must manually modify the variables' values in orange color in the Variables section to match your environment: [Those variables are at the begging of the script]
# ######################################
# Variables MUST be modified by the user: [Otherwise the script will not work]
# ######################################
# Variables MUST be modified by the user: [Otherwise the script will not work]
# ######################################
# Here you replace with your Email address:
# Replace ${ORACLE_SID} with the Primary DB instance SID:
# Replace STANDBY_TNS_ENTRY with the Standby Instance TNS entry you configured in the primary site tnsnames.ora file: e.g. orcl_standby
# Replace ${ORACLE_HOME} with the ORACLE_HOME path on the primary server:
# Log Directory Location:
# Here you replace DBA_USER with a real user having DBA privilege:
# Here you replace ABC123 with the DBA user password on the standby DB:
# Replace "5" with the number of LAGGED ARCHIVELOGS if reached an Email alert will be sent to the receiver:
You can schedule this script in the crontab to run e.g. every 15 minutes to get you alerted if the number of lagged archive logs cross the predefined threshold.
Reminder: This script runs from the primary DB server NOT from the standby server.
Hope you will find it useful.
This script is part of DBA Bundle scripts:
I am getting this error:
ReplyDelete./ line 102: selected.-selected.: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".-selected.")
./ line 105: [: -ge: unary operator expected
The script is failing when it's trying to execute the following query on DR from the primary DB:
select max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES';
${CRD} is SYS password
${DRDBNAME} is the Standby tns name
Make sure that you can run the above query after replacing the variables against the standby DB from the primary DB.
Any fix for the script? It works manually executing, but fails on crontab job. The same error.
ReplyDeleteAm trying to modify this script to check for RAC instance by using thread#1 , 2 etc but somehow if part it is not going.
ReplyDeleteif [ ${LAG} -ge ${LAGTHRESHOLD} ] | if [ ${LAG1} -ge ${LAGTHRESHOLD} ]; then
${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" << EOF
I've just modified the script to make it easy to use.
DeletePlease note in the new script, you don't need to use SYS account, just user a user granted DBA role privilege.
I've modified the article as well, kindly read it one more time for better understanding of the instructions, and let me know if you're still facing any issues.
the script is not working for RAC.