Friday, May 29, 2020

OEM 13c Agent installation failed with: plugins.txt not found. The Management Agent installation failed. The plug-in oracle.sysman.oh may not be present in the Management Agent software

At the end of an OEM 13c agent manual installation on one of the servers I got this message:

Finished post install
Plugin txt:
Inside if , is empty
/u01/oracle/agent13c/plugins.txt not found. The Management Agent installation failed. The plug-in oracle.sysman.oh may not be present in the Management Agent software. Ensure that the Management Agent software has the oracle.sysman.oh monitoring and discovery plug-in. 

When I copied the agent binary from the OMS server to target server I copied the one located under:

This agent was outdated because there were minor changes happened on the OMS since OMS was initially installed.

You have to re-generate a new agent from OMS and use it on the target server to install the agent:

On the OMS server: Generate a new agent:

Create a temporary directory that will hold the new generated agent:
# mkdir /tmp/emcli

Login to OMS using emcli with sysman:
# cd /u01/oracle/13cmiddleware/bin
# ./emcli login -username=sysman -password=xxxx
Login successful
# ./emcli sync
Synchronized successfully

Get the platform details:
# ./emcli get_supported_platforms
Version =
Platform = Linux x86-64
Platforms list displayed successfully.

Generate the agent providing the temp location along with the platform and version you got in the  previous command:

# ./emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp/emcli -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=
=== Partition Detail ===
Space free : 4 GB
Space required : 1 GB
Check the logs at /u01/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/emcli/setup/.emcli/get_agentimage_2020-05-27_13-55-05-PM.log
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/unzip
File saved as /tmp/emcli/unzip
Executing command: /tmp/emcli/unzip /tmp/emcli/ -d /tmp/emcli
Exit status is:0
Agent Image Download completed successfully.

Now copy the newly generated agent to the target server and use it for installing the agent:
# scp /tmp/emcli/ oracle@SRV1:/u01/oracle/agent13c

On the Target server install the copied agent software:

# mkdir /backup/tmp
# cd /u01/oracle/agent13c
# unzip
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/oracle/agent13c \
-force \
-ignorePrereqs \
-invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc  \
AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_inst \

At the end of installation run this script: [By root]
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13.           

Make sure the agent is running:
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13. status agent

As a rule of thumb, always generate a fresh agent on the OMS server to use for installing the EM agent on the target server.

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