Sunday, January 27, 2019

360 Degree Database Server Monitoring Script For Oracle

Do you have a Linux server with a critical Oracle database running on it?
Are you tired of searching google for a free script that can fully monitor that server in one go?

If your answer is Yes, then this article was written for you. Bring yourself a cup of tea and read this article to the end.

The script I shared many years back to only monitor ORA errors in the DB alert log, and now it's capable to completely monitor an Oracle Database server in a 360-degree fashion.

Here is a list of all components the script can monitor:

- Database Monitoring:
  - Monitor all DATABASES ALERT LOG for ORA and TNS errors.
  - Monitor all LISTENERS' ALERT LOG for ORA and TNS errors.
  - Monitor TABLESPACES utilization.
  - Monitor FLASH RECOVERY AREA (FRA) utilization.
  - Monitor ASM Disk Groups utilization.
  - Monitor database named SERVICES.
  - Monitor RMAN Backup Failure.
  - Monitor the database if it goes OFFLINE or gets HANGED.
  - Monitor if NO listeners are running on the server.

- Grid Infrastructure Monitoring:
  - Monitor the ASM alert log for ORA and TNS errors.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for ORA and TNS errors.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for Shutdown/Startup events.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for Node eviction events.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for Network IP conflict.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for Heart Beat failures.
  - Monitor the Grid Infrastructure alert log for service failure events.

- OS/Hardware Errors:
  - Monitor the CPU for high utilization.
  - Monitor the Filesystems / Mount Points space utilization.
  - Monitor dmesg log for new entries which let you know what is going on on OS.

- Golden Gate Monitoring:
  - Monitor the Golden Gate log for Errors and Process ABENDED events.

How to use the script:

- Download the script from here:

- At line# 60 Replace "" with YOUR E-mail address.

- Each part/feature in this script can be easily adjusted by editing the values under the THRESHOLD section, read the comment carefully for each control before altering it.

For a complete guide on how to use the script, I recommend you to read the main article: